Lisa is an AFLCA certified instructor who specializes in strength training and pre/postnatal with years of experience. She is passionate that all people, no matter the shape or size or age, find a way to move their bodies that they enjoy. She loves things that bring people together and build community, it seems sweating together once or twice a week seems to do that! She is an easy going and chill person who can create a challenging workout for anyone! 

Lisa has three kids and lives in the neighborhood, you will often find her in the ravine to unwind and connect with nature biking and cross-country skiing. 

Sunday Strong

This is a 70-minute class that is focused on getting you stronger with a 20-minute stretch and foam rolling time at the end. We use a variety of equipment and class styles to keep everyone interested. All fitness levels are welcome and you can join at any time! This class runs Sunday from 6:45-7:55

Come check it out! you'll be glad you did!

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more info! You can also find Lisa on Facebook and on Instagram @lisashortenfitness.